
Each community in West Virginia offers different transportation options for seniors. This section contains a list of options you may wish to consider.

Search Facilities & Services

Family and Friends

Don’t hesitate to ask your family, friends, and neighbors for a ride to the grocery store or the pharmacy. Adjust your schedule to travel at a time when they normally run their errands.

Members of Your Faith Community or Church

Ask your pastor, priest, rabbi, or imam if they know of a recently retired person who might be willing to drive you to a medical appointment or store. To show your appreciation, you can buy lunch for that person or offer to pay for gasoline. That may be adequate compensation for someone who wants to help others.

Senior Centers


Senior centers in your county may be able to assist with your transportation needs. Many senior centers have handicap-accessible vans or cars to transport you to medical appointments or shopping. If the senior center is unable to provide the service you need, it may be able to help you find another provider.

You can find your local senior center in the facility/services search above or by
clicking here.

Public Transportation

Many areas of West Virginia offer bus, taxi, and other forms of transportation. You can contact the West Virginia Department of Transportation at 304-558-0428 or click here to find transportation options in your county.


Transportation Services

MTM is the West Virginia Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Services manager. It provides rides free of charge for eligible Medicaid members throughout the state.

Eligible Medicaid members who need transportation to their health care providers for a covered medical service can call MTM (1-844-549-8353) to schedule a ride. Please call at least five business days in advance unless the trip is urgent.

Registered users can manage transportation services online
: schedule transportation online.